I've been working hard to understand the best way to move forward with the dashboarding for the E-Team. And it must not be overlooked, that when you resolve the best way, you must also then search out the easiest way. It is possible to build out a beautiful dashboarding system in Tableau, however, doing so would necessitate sluggishness on making updates. In addition, I am still very novice in Tableau dashboarding. The path that allows for the most flexibility in dashboard development is a simple spreadsheet dashboard system. While we are making our Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), resolving our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and aligning our strategic plan in conjunction with Attuned, I became more and more convicted that a spreadsheet system will be the most effective in that it is easily manipulable and can still making beautiful and simple visualizations. It may be that the year to year ETeam dashboarding is always maintained at spreadsheet level to allow for quarter by quarter updating of our OKRs to ensure we are making good on our mission and vision. This strategy also fits well within my burgeoning framework of lessening time spent on systems training by using Google native systems.
"Choose a Lazy Person To Do a Hard Job Because That Person Will Find an Easy Way To Do It" ~Bill Gates